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information other than the given above is available for Sebek Mehmet
Efendi. His death must be before the publication of "Tertib-i
Risale-i Ebri", 1608 since it is said "rahimehullah"
(May God bless his soul) for him in this booklet. It is understood
from the words "Nusha-i Sebek" (booklet of Sebek) in the
"Tertib-i Risale-i Ebri" that he has an unknown booklet.
He is from Istanbul. He is known as "hatip" (preacher)
because he was the preacher of Ayasofya Mosque. The date of his
birth is unknown. Because he is mentioned as "pir-i mubarek"
(holly old master) in the "Tuhfe-i Hattatin", he must
have been quite old when he died in April 1773. He has learnt "tuluth-nesh"
calligraphy from Zuhdi Ismail Aga. Because he is the inventor of
ebru figures created by dropping concentric dyes and reshaping them
with a needle, ebru papers containing such figures are called "hatip
ebrusu". His ebru papers which were identified by their distinctive
colours and hatip patterns have been extremely popular and avidly
collected during his lifetime. He died in the fire which destroyed
his home in Hocapasa district of Istanbul.
is not much information about the life of Sheikh Sadik Efendi who
was born in the city of Vabakne in Bukhara. He was the sheikh of
the Ozbekler Tekkesi (Uzbekh Dervish Convent) in Sultantepesi, Uskudar.
We know that he learnt the art of ebru when he was in Bukhara and
he taught it to his two sons Edhem and Salih. It is read from his
tombstone in the Dergah that he died on the 11th of July 1846.
Ibrahim Edhem Efendi who was the Sheikh of Uskudar Ozbekler Tekkesi
is considered as the most distinguished marbler of the last century.
He was the grandfather of Turkey's ex-ambassador to Washington,
Munir Ertegun (1882-1944). He was born in the Ozbekler Tekkesi in
1829. He has been educated by his father Sadik Efendi, his uncle
and the scholars from Bukhara visiting the Tekke. He was proficient
in Turkish, Arabic, Persian and Cagatai. He learnt ta'lik script
from Carsambalý Arif Bey at a quite an old age. He was a carpenter,
metal caster, weaver, printer, architect, scientist and a mathematician.
He was appointed as the first principal to Sultanahmet School of
Crafts in 1869 and it was here that the first lead pipes were cast
in Turkey. Producing ebru papers was one of his many talents which
made him famous as Hezarfen (owner of a thousand crafts). Besides
Aziz Efendi and Sami Efendi, the most distinguished of his students
is Necmeddin Okyay.He died on the 8th of January 1904 and buried
in the cemetery of the Tekke.
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