Selimiye Mosque
in the neighborhood of Faith. This was one of the least accessible
areas of tge city with the Kyrk Merdiven cliffs on one side and
a deep cistern on the other. The mosque was commissioned by Sultan
Selim II and was built by Architect Sinan between the dates 1568-1574.
This grand mosque stands at the center of a kulliya which comprises
a medrese, a dar-ul hadis, a timekeeper's room and an arasta (row
of shops). In this mosque Sinan employed an octagonal supporting
system that is created through eight pillars incised in a square
shell of walls. The four semi domes at the corners of the square
behind the arches that spring from the pillars, are intermediary
sections between the huge encompassing dome and the walls. These
pillars are related to the back walls through supporting arches
that provide an ambulatory space in front of the encircling walls.
This octagonal disposition of the supporting system and absid-like
mihrab section recall the Church of Sergius and Bacchus in Istanbul.
But the galleries of this church behind the pillars that create
a second floor and the entrance mass (narthexes) are eliminated
in Sinan's structure. Hence, the interior of the Selimiye contains
a more illuminated and ample space. On the other hand, the absid
is retained, for a mihrab placed on a shallow southern wall would
prevent the fluidity of the ambulatory space encircling the breathtaking
central hall below the dome. The mosque is located in an outer courtyard
which rings the complex. The area designated for late arriving worshippers
is encircled by 18 columns and 22 domes. The 20 windows around the
courtyard are covered with glazed tile panels, which are the finest
examples of the period. The portico of the courtyard is decorated
with floral designs. A reservoir for ablutions is found in the center
of the courtyard. It is domed with eight marble pillars. There are
two minarets
with a single gallery each, and rooms on both sides of the mosque
for the imam and müezzin. The shutters of the doors are fine examples
of engraving and mother of pearl relief. The mosque is square in
shape and extremely simple design. The pulpit is made of ornamented
marble.The enclosed cemetery on the kiblah, or Mecca, side of the
mosque contains the remains of Yavuz Sultan Selim, the heirs of
Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent who died at a young age, his daughters
are three tombs belonging to Sultan Abdulmecid.Of these, the window
shutters, doors and wooden banister of the mausoleum belonging to
Yavuz Sultan Selim are masterpieces of mother of pearl relief. Other
than the mosque and mausoleum, the only structure which survived
to the present is the primary school, located in the outer courtyard.
The original decoration is recently restored, but gives an idea
of Sinan's artful decorative style. Except the dome, the surfaces
of the walls and arches are very plainly painted in light red in
order to mark the contours of the basic architectural forms. Glazed
tiles cover the mihrab section and the false arches above the windows
of the substructure. They are very carefully applied to counterpoise
the empty walls below and colored arches and dome above.The most
conspicuous element inside the mosque is the respondent's platform
(muezzin mahfili) at the center of the zulla (prayer hall). It is
a loggia like wooden piece lifted by columns. At the north-western
corner, a bulky truncated pillar is placed in order to mask the
staircase leading to the podium. This small pillar brings a module
to the prodigious scaling of the building. On the outside, there
are four minarets ingeniously placed on the four corners of the
main prayer hall. Hence the weight of the enclosing dome is balanced
with the vertical extension of these slender towers. The conical
caps of the turrets springing from the pillars also contributes
to this equilibrium. As customary in Sinan's structures, the elements
of the supporting and covering systems are exposed on the outside.
The semi domes, pillars, ambulatory space and mihrab can all be
perceived from outside. This masterpiece of the world architecture
is a real synthesis of the building traditions that flourished in
Anatolia. Most prominent of all are Late Roman (Early Byzantine)
and Early Turkish elements. Sinan was a real mental giant who had
the power of seeing as well as talent of interpreting this Anatolian
inheritance, unique in the world.