Mehterhane, or military band coprs, had long been a distinctive
feature of the Ottoman Army.Mehterhane bands normally stood ina
crescent formation.The kös player stood slightly forward,like a
star within this crescent Before the band started to play a junior
sergeant stepped forward and called "Attention Mehterbaşı Aga,
it is time for happiness and fun".The concert then began with
the Mehterbasi shouting "Haydi Ya Allah!" - "Attention,
let's go.
The history of Mehter that (which is) considered as the oldest military
of the world, reaches to Orhun inscriptions that are the oldest
written sources of Turkish history from VIIth century. Mehter, today,
is a splended monument of Turkish heroism and understanding of domination
reaching to universal dimensions. The first military band of the
World history carries the emotive rhytms of ancient Turkish music
to the present time.
clothing of Mehter has the distinct characteristics and beauty with
regard to its color and cut. It's possible to see all the colors
on their costumes. The instruments used are shrill pipe,pipe,kos
drum, kettle drum,bell and human voice.
Mehter, considered as the beginning of the history of military
music and the founder of world's military bands, today, continues
its actions in the constitution of Istanbul Military Museum and
Culturel Center which belongs to the General Staff.
Mehter, attracting the interest of the whole World with itsconcerts
in the country and abroad, continues its presence and effective
power today and keeps its lovely place in the hearth of Turkish