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were at the bottom of the harem hierarchy. They were considered
to be general servants in the harem. They were not usually seen
to be beautiful enough to become presented to the Sultan. Odalisques
that were seen as potential candidates for concubinage were trained
to become talented entertainers. The greatest honour a Sultan could
bestow upon a male guest was to present him with an odalisque from
his court who had not yet become his concubine. These women were
greatly coveted as they were beautiful and talented, and what is
more important, had links into the harem hierarchy.
Concubines could be considered an equivalent to the modern version
of a "one night stand". They were odalisques that were
presented to the Sultan and after that one night, they might never
see the Sultan again unless the girl became pregnant with a male
child. If she was successful in birthing a male child, then she
would become an ikbal (favourite) to the Sultan. The female hierarchy
followed the pattern of odalisques (virgins), concubines ("one
night stands"), ikbals (favourites), and kadins (favourites
harem women formed only half of the harem hierarchy. Eunuchs were
the integral other half of the harem. Eunuchs were considered to
be less than men and thus unable to be "tempted" by the
harem women and would remain solely loyal to the Sultan. Eunuchs
were castrated men and hence possessed no threat to the sanctity
of the harem.
to Muslim tradition, no man could lay his eyes on another man's
harem, thus someone less than a man was required for the role of
watchful guardianship over the harem women. Eunuchs tended to be
male prisoners of war or slaves, castrated before puberty and condemned
to a life of servitude.
White eunuchs were first provided from the conquered Christian areas
of Circassia, Georgia, and Armenia. They were also culled from Hungarian,
Slavonian, and German prisoners of war. These white eunuchs were
captured during the conflicts that arouse between the Ottoman Empire
and the Balkan countries. Black eunuchs were captured from Egypt,
Abyssinia and the Sudan. Black slaves were captured from the upper
Nile and transported to markets on the Mediterranean Sea - Mecca,
Medina, Beirut, Izmir and Istanbul. All eunuchs were castrated enroute
to the markets by Egyptian Christians or Jews, as Islam prohibited
the practice of castration but not the usage of castrated slaves.
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