Mehmet II.
Mehmet II was born on 29th March 1432, in Edirne. He was the son
of Sultan Murad II. His mother was Huma Hatun. He was a tall, strong
and muscular man. Mehmet II was a statesman and a military leader.
He was also interested in literature, fine arts and monumental architecture.
He was educated by famous scholar Aksemseddin. Mehmet was speaking
seven languages fluently. Another worthy tribute to the Ottoman
ruler is the famous portrait of him by Gentile Bellini. He also
interested in philosophy and science. He invited Ali Kuscu the famous
astronomer to the observatory in Istanbul. Mehmet II was ascended
the throne in his 20th year.He took the name "conqueror"
(fatih) after the conquest of Istanbul on 29th May 1453. The conquest
of Istanbul spelled the end of the Byzantine Empire and entered
a phase of urban revival under the wise and tolerant administrations
of Mehmet and his immediate successors. The capture of Istanbul
was followed by a long succession of campaigns which resulted in
a tremendous extension of direct Ottoman rule. After the conquest
of the city, Mehmed the Conqueror marched towards Morea and captured
the cities of Greece one after another. However, he was threatened
from the rear by the principality of Karaman and therefore turned
to Anatolia to vanquish them and to annex their territory. He then
conquered the area close to western Black Sea and appointed as governor
Kızıl Ahmet who was the founder of the principality Isfen-diyar.
Afterwards, he fought Uzun Hasan, the ruler of the Akkoyunlus and
overcame him.Among those areas that fell to Mehmet II were Serbia,
Greece, the Empire of Trezibizond, Wallachia, Bosnia, Karaman, Albania
and several Venetian and Geneose maritime establishments. He ruled
the Ottoman Empire for 30 years and joined 25 campaigns himself.
He was a very strict statesman and a very brave soldier. He took
place in front of his army in the wars and he encouraged his soldiers.
The emperor had died on 3rd May 1481. He was buried in "Fatih
Turbesi" (tomb), near the Mosque of Fatih in Istanbul. He was
dressed in the simple and heroic manner of his great grandfather
Çelebi Mehmed. His turban consisted of a ''mücevveze'' (a tall cylindrical
headgear) in military style, wound round with coiled gauze. This
special type of turban became fashionable among later sultans
His Wifes : Gulbahar Hatun, Gulshah Hatun, Sitti Mukrime
Hatun, Cicek Hatun, Helene Hatun, Anna Hatun, Alexias Hatun.
His Sons: Mustafa, Bayezid II, Cem, Korkut
His Daughter: Gevrehan Sultana