Osman Gazi
The father of the Ottoman Empire Osman Gazi
was born in 1258 in the town of Sogut. His father was Ertugrul Gazi
and his mother was Hayme Sultan. Osman Gazi was a tall man with
a round face, dark complexion, hazel eyes, and thick eyebrows. His
shoulders were fairly large and the upper part of his body was longer
than the other parts. He used to wear a Horasan crown in the style
of Cagatay, which was made of red broad cloth.
Osman Gazi was a brilliant leader. He was fair,
brave and gracious. He helped the poor. Sometimes he gave his own
cloths to the poor. Every mid-day, he gave a lavish meal to all
people in his house.
Osman Gazi was just 23 when he succeeded the
leadership of the Kayi Clan in Sogut, in 1281. He was a very brilliant
rider and a fencer. He married to Mal Sultana who was the daughter
of famous Omer bey. Mal Sultan gave birth to Orhan who succeeded
the throne.
Osman Gazi appreciated the opinions of Edebali
(the famous Ahi Sheik) and he respected him. He often went to Edebali's
house where a dervish group meets in Eskisehir Sultanonu and been
his guest.
One night, when he was a guest in Sheik Edebali's
dergah, he had a dream. As the sun shined, he went to Edebali and
told him: "My Sheik, I saw you in my dream. A moon appeared
in your breast. It rose, rose and then descended into my breast.
From my novel there sprang a tree. It grew up and turned green.
It branched out and got complicated. The shadow of its branches
covered the whole world. What does my dream mean?
After a little silence, Seyh told him:
I have got good news Osman! God gave you sovereignty and to your
son. All the world will be under the protection of your son and
my daughter will be the wife to you."
After this unusual event, the Sheik gave his daughter Bala Sultana
to Osman and Alaeddin was born from this marriage.Upon his conquest
of the fortress of Bilecik, Alaeddin Keykubat, who is the ruler
of the Seljuks of Rum, sent him "a horsetail, a standard and
a drum" as the insignia of sovereignty in 699 A.H. (1299 A.D.).
Thereupon, he minted coins and had the Friday prayers recited in
his name alone. His grand vizier was his younger son, Alaeddin Pasha.
Osman was the first to Ievy a tax of one "akçe".
Osman Gazi was surnamed "Black", which according to an
ancient Turcoman tradition signifies brave and heroic. As we learn
from the Oðuzname, the same epithet was given to Kara Yusuf,
the ruler of Karakoyunlus, and to Kara Yülük Osman Bey,
the Sultan of the Akkoyunlus.
The founder of Ottoman empire- risen from Anatolia and reigned for
600 years, over three continents- Osman Gazi, died of gout, in Bursa
in 1326. When he died, he left an horse armor, a pair of high boots,
a few sun jacks, a sword, a lance, a tirkes, a few horses, three
herds of sheep, salt and spoon containers.
His Wifes : Mal Hatun , Rabi'a Bala Hatun
His Sons : Pazarli, Coban, Hamit, Orhan, Ala-ed-din, Ali,
Melik, Savci
His Daughters : Fatma Sultan.