Osman II.
Sultan Osman II was born on 3rd November 1604, in Istanbul. His
father was Sultan Ahmed and his mother was Haseki Sultana who was
Greek originated. Osman II was enthroned when he was 14 years old,
following his uncle Mustafa's dethronment. When Sultan Osman was
enthroned at a young age, his first act was to make changes in administrative
duties and among council of state members. The state was Ieft between
the war with Persia in the East and the war with Poland in the West.
After establishing the required order, Osman II decided for mobilization
to Poland in spite of the objection from soldiers, and participated
in the mobilization himself.His mother was very careful about his
training. Sultan Osman had a strong education. He learned the eastern
and the western languages as Arabic, Persian, Latin, Greek and Italian,
fluently that he translated the classics. Osman II had a very handsome
face, he was so clever, energetic, and bold. Sultan Osman II married
Sheikulislam Er'ad Efendi's and Pertev Pasha's daughters but it
was untraditional since Sultan Mehmed II's period. This manner of
him was a great change because, since the sultanate Selim I, the
sultans had not married outside the palace. Osman II could have
not found himself a grand vizier who could hold his plans. He was
dethroned and murdered in the Yedikule Dungeons, he was buried near
the tomb of his father Sultan Ahmed I, in the Sultan Ahmed Mosque.
Sultan Osman was a reformer, he reformed many governmental issues.
He limited the authority of the seyhulislam (Minister of Islamic
issues) as soon as he ascended the throne. Sultan Osman was a writer
and a poet. He wrote poems in Persian with Farisi pen name. The
sultan who was murdered at a very young age revealed his sorrow
in his poetry. During the years of his reign, the state had to deal
with consecutive natural disasters in Istanbul. One part of the
Istanbul Covered Market burnt down in 1621 and the remaning part
the following year. Sultan Osman's major intention was to eliminate
the Jannissaries, and the Jannissary Corps. He therefore started
preparations together with his reliable officers. Studies also continued
about the method of establishing a new military discipline which
would replace the Jannissary Corps. The Jannissaries heard about
these activities and they gathered at the Sultanahmet Square raising
some requests in rebellion. Since they conceived that the Sovereign
would annihilate them, they acted before him and raided the Palace.
They enthroned Sultan Mustafa and strangled a reformist Sovereign.
His Wifes : Akile (Rukiyye) Haným, Ayse Haným
His Sons: Omer, Mustafa
His Daughters: Zeynep