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Halife : Caliph, appointed successor.
Hanafite School : on of the four legal schools of Sunni Islam.
Haraç : a poll-tax paid by non-Muslims.
Harem : women's apartments in a Muslim household.

Harem Ağası : the chief black eunuch of the Palace
Has : a domain of the sultan, prince of the blood, yielding an annual revenue of more than one Hundred thousand akçes
Haseki : a women in the palace, receving the Sultan's special favours
Has Oda : the Sultan's Privy Chamber
Has Odalik : 'imperial concubine'
Hazine : the Treasury
Hutbe : the sermon following the Friday prayerin which the sultan's name was mentioned
Icma : the consensus of opinion as the basis for the formulation of a legal practice
Icoğlanı : a devsirme boy
Imaret : a complex of public buldings supported by a vakif.
Ispence : the name of the cift resmi as paid by Christians
Janissaries : the Sultan's standing infantry corps, recruited from the Devshirme and paid from the treasury.

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