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Rumi died in 1273 in Konya where he had spent most of his life and studied all his works and where his tomb lies today. When Rumi passed away at the age of 66, he had left worldwide known works as Mathnawi, Divan-ý Kebir, Mecalis-i Seba, Mekt and Fihi ma fih behind. In the year 2007 was appointed as the year of Mevlana by UNESCO because of his 800th birthday anniversary. By this announcement lots of events had been organised for memorialise Rumi.
Mathnawi as known as Masnavi is a book of poetry that each amount to about 25,000 verses. Rumi's Masnavi is widely recognized as the greatest Sufi poem and a monument of spiritual wisdom. Masnavi which expresses intelligent spirit, love of God and mysticism, was written in couplets and collected into six large volumes.
Different verses from this great masterpiece:
“The one who realizes his own fault matures very fast.”
“A tap in the house is better than a river outside.”
“ The one boiled with sweets will be sweet and the one kneaded with bitter will be bitter.”
“Human being sold himself for a low price, he was precious cloth but became a patch for a cloak.”
“The one who gets rid of immaturity and gets mature will not spoil forever.”
“The one who doesn’t make friend with the good, will certainly be with the bad.”
“The seeker will eventually find what has been looking for whether he goes fast or slow.”
“There are so many people who don’t know they are in the river and ask for water from others.”
Rumi’s 7 Advices are known as:
In generosity and helping others be like a river.
In compassion and grace be like the sun.
In concealing others’ faults be like the night.
In anger and fury be like the dead.
In modesty and humility be like the earth.
In tolerance be like a sea.
Either exist as you are or be as you look.
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